Plant Health

rose cuttings growing leaves but not roots

Rose Cuttings Growing Leaves But Not Roots: All You Need!

Rose cuttings are an excellent way to grow new rose plants. But sometimes difficulties arise while growing the cuttings. Such a difficulty is the stagnation of the growth of roots despite growing new leaves. So, why are rose cuttings growing leaves but not roots? The first reason behind this is dryness.  Secondly, keeping the cutting …

Rose Cuttings Growing Leaves But Not Roots: All You Need! Read More »

tanglefoot vs vaseline

Tanglefoot vs Vaseline: Which One Saves The Trees Best?

You’ve probably heard of using Tanglefoot and Vaseline to prevent bug attacks on trees. But now you’re confused about which is the most effective way.  So, here’s my take on the Tanglefoot vs Vaseline battle. Tanglefoot is more effective than Vaseline in preventing bug attacks in trees in certain cases. If you use it on …

Tanglefoot vs Vaseline: Which One Saves The Trees Best? Read More »

crimson sweet vs sugar baby watermelon

Crimson Sweet vs Sugar Baby Watermelon: A Complete Growing Guide!

When planting a watermelon seed in your nursery, you may need guidance regarding which one to grow. Also, buying a watermelon from the market may need to be clarified because there are multiple variations and types. To help you with your confusion, I’ll give you a full picture regarding Crimson Sweet vs Sugar Baby. Crimson …

Crimson Sweet vs Sugar Baby Watermelon: A Complete Growing Guide! Read More »

why does my clematis only flower at the top

Why Does My Clematis Only Flower at the Top? Let’s Find Out!

Clematis is one of the most popular flowering vines. However, while growing these lovely vines you may face some issues which may cause your frustration. One of them is clematis flowering only at the top. Hence, here I am gonna resolve your question: why does my clematis only flower at the top? Improper pruning, fertilization, …

Why Does My Clematis Only Flower at the Top? Let’s Find Out! Read More »

11 Causes Snake Plant Yellow Leaf: Best Helpful Tips

Snake plant yellow leaf: 11 main causes, what to do? 5 preventive methods to have a healthy snake plant

Quite often, snake plants can be seen in office spaces and homes. Often people are faced with the fact that the leaf plates begin to turn yellow. You can read more about the snake plant’s yellow leaf in this article. Why snake plant turning yellow? There are several reasons for yellow snake plant leaves. If …

Snake plant yellow leaf: 11 main causes, what to do? 5 preventive methods to have a healthy snake plant Read More »