They’re huge!
On top of that, they come with a classic look. Yes, we’re talking about Juniper trees. But, these bad boys need a bit of fertilization and airflow in order to grow their best.
And, here’s the issue-
As these trees require fertilization, it’s important that you know what kind of fertilizers are compatible with them. And, yes, using the wrong fertilizers can have serious consequences.
Table could not be displayed.That’s why we’ve researched for you and brought out the best fertilizer for junipers on our list. Even though we had to nitpick from quite some options, we were able to select the best 5. And, finally, we’ve put them on our list.
Add to that, we’ve included a buying guide in the end as well. So, you’ll know exactly what to look for and what to find out.
Sounds interesting? You’ll be amazed to see what we have in store for you-
1. SUPERthrive VI30148 Plant Solution
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When it comes to providing better nutrients to your junipers, nothing beats our first product. Well, it’s our favorite for no reason. Presenting the king of fertilizers from this list- SUPERthrive VI30148 Plant Solution.
Here, the main selling point is the high-concentrated vitamin solution. And, the best part about this solution is that it’s completely non-toxic. So, your greenery will be safe and sound all the time.
Instead of having toxic elements, liquid food comes with vitamins inside of it. As a result, it provides professional health to your plants.
And, when it comes to junipers, the liquid food provides sufficient nutrients and minerals beneficial to it. Everything you see here is suited for hydroponics, foliar spraying, and even hydro-seeding. So, it’ll make the work easier as you have options.
Now, the product provides another key benefit. That is to create an overall stronger root base for the plants. So, the plants will be durable and strong all the way.
On the other hand, the liquid fertilizer reduces transplant shock as well. And, it even restores the plant vigor.
That’s not all. This fertilizer replenishes the soil. And, it nourishes the soil all the time. So, it’ll create building blocks naturally that the plants create.
All in all, the liquid fertilizer ensures every bit of nutrients that your junipers require. Also, they’re made of completely non-toxic elements. And, the vitamins make it even easier at providing sufficient nutrition.
2. Dyna-GRO BON-008 Plant Food
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Say hello to another liquid fertilizer on our list- Dyna-GRO BON-008 Plant Food. Here, the main selling point of this fertilizer is that it comes with 16 different minerals for your plants.
So, your junipers will grow fast and strong easily. Other than that, there are other features to focus on. So, let’s head on with it-
First off, the 16 important minerals make it easier for plants to grow well. So, the junipers will never face problems with their growth or health factor.
As it’s liquid-based, you won’t require many complications with the application process. But, the drawback here is that it doesn’t leave nutrients for a long time. And, this creates a problem. But, how?
Well, thing is- you’ll need to apply the product frequently. That’s all. After the application, the product continues to provide nutrients as it did before. But, the further application bothers many people who have a lot going on.
Now, the juniper trees grow better in 16-4-8 or 12-4-8 fertilizer formulation. But, here, the product comes in 7-9-5 formulation only. Now, this could be a problem for some gardeners. But, the essential minerals will provide all the nutrients needed for the junipers.
As a result of this, the fertilizers provide faster and sufficient growth to the junipers. And, it even ensures excellent service all around.
Being liquid fertilizers, they’re easy to apply. So, for the indoor plants, you’ll need to mix in 1/2-1/4 teaspoons of fertilizer per water gallon. And, for the outdoor plants, mix in 1/2 teaspoon of fertilizer per water gallon.
As we’ve mentioned that this fertilizer requires frequent application all the time, get ready with 1 teaspoon of fertilizer per gallon every day.
To summarize, the fertilizer provides sufficient growth and health boost for the junipers. So, it’s an excellent option if you’re looking for liquid fertilizers.
3. Perfect Plants Bonsai Fertilizer Pellets
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Up next and in the top three, we have the Bonsai fertilizer pellets from the brand- Perfect Plants. If you’re tired of using liquid fertilizers then this product will bring a change.
After all, the USP of this product is in the form of fertilizer. And, the best part about this form is that it’ll provide supply for over 5 years. We believe that’s a lot if you’re beginning to fertilize outdoor plants.
Here, the product itself comes in a resealable bag. Also, the bag is lightweight and easy to carry around (if you intend to).
Now, it’s perfect for the live bonsai trees. But, since we’re focusing on junipers here, it’ll work on that as well. The fertilizer pellets ensure that your juniper trees get all the nutrients it needs. So, no chance of hampering growth.
As we’re on the topic of providing nutrients, there are a couple of things you’ll need to know. The fertilizers release a slower formula for boosting the health of the juniper trees.
Since the fertilizer allows slow release of the nutrients, the juniper and bonsai trees can last for a long time. And, it’s not about juniper or bonsai trees. You can use these fertilizer pellets on different outdoor plants too.
At times, people over-fertilize plants. As a result, different complex reactions take place. But, that won’t be the case as this fertilizer only focuses on the nutrients and will keep the juniper trees completely safe.
Other than that, fertilizer pellets are better in many cases than liquid fertilizers. But, how? Well, the pellets release a slow nutrient formula. As a result, the plants get nutrients all year long and get benefits.
In the end, the fertilizer pellets make it easier for nutrients to enter the plants. As a result, the plants grow thick and strong. Plus, the slow-release formula provides nutrients for a long time.
4. Jobe’s 01661 Fertilizer Spikes
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Down to the last two. But let’s talk about the Fertilizer Spikes from Jobe. Similar to the previous product, this one also isn’t a liquid fertilizer. Here, the product is based on fertilizer spikes. So, let’s check it out in detail-
The first thing to clear out, the fertilizer doesn’t have a liquid form. So, you’ll need to use fertilizer spikes. And, if you ask us, it’s a better tradeoff. But, how?
Well, fertilizer spikes target directly the roots of the juniper trees. As a result, these spikes ensure that the roots are nourished beforehand. So, it’ll be a great health boost for the juniper trees.
On the other hand, these are time-release fertilizers. So, they’re easy to use and contain no complications whatsoever. Speaking of usage, these fertilizers contain little to no mess or smells. So, you won’t really have to worry about these factors.
Another helpful factor is that it doesn’t have wasteful runoff as well. So, you can proceed with the application process easier. And, if you’re wondering when to use these spikes then go for late fall and early spring.
Similar to the previous product, this one has a slow-release formula. This means you won’t have to frequently use these spikes. And, the formula causes these fertilizer spikes to last around all the seasons.
All you have to do is use them once or twice and wait out for the results. And, when you apply them to the roots, that’s when the junipers start growing well and get an overall health boost.
Many questions how many spikes are needed for a single tree? Well, you’ll need 2 spikes for each tree. And, apply them 1-2 inches of the trunk’s diameter.
To summarize, these fertilizer spikes ensure nutrients to the juniper trees. Here, they’ll ensure the nutrients from the roots. And, the slow-release formula ensures the presence of nutrients all year long.
5. Schultz Liquid Plant Food
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Last fertilizer on our list- Schultz liquid plant food. And, yes, we’re back with liquid fertilizers again. The best thing about this fertilizer is that it’s excellent for transplanting and repotting.
But, there are other features as well. So, let’s get on with it-
Starting off, the fertilizer will feed your plants with nutrients every time you use it. Here, liquid food is easier to use as well. All you have to do is add 7 quarts of water with the fertilizer and it’s ready to be used.
On top of this, the liquid fertilizer starts off straight away with the nutrients and helps the junipers grow well. In fact, it works on all kinds of outdoor and indoor plants. So, you’ll have your options.
Speaking of options, the fertilizers can be used on vegetables and flowers as well. But, make sure you’re not going overboard with it.
Now, junipers normally benefit from fertilizers having a 12-4-8 or 16-4-8 NPK ratio. But, here, the product comes with a 10-15-10 ratio. That said, you can still work with them.
But, the imbalance in the ratio causes us to reduce a point or two from this product. With that said, it’s still a great fertilizer and will ensure a complete health boost to your juniper trees.
As it’s a liquid product, you’ll need to mix it up with water before applying. Here, the manufacturers have added in a dropper with the product. So, you can measure the water amount and then add it to the juniper trees.
To be precise, you’ll need only 7 drops of water per quart. After you apply the fertilizer, it’ll promote new growth straight away. And, it’ll be quite beneficial for the indoor plants.
Fertilizer for Junipers – Buying Guide
Even though we’re done with the review section, we’re not done with the article. If you’ve made it to this point then you’ll know about our best 5. But, how do you choose one out of the 5?
Plus, reading this much information at a stretch isn’t enough to come to a decision. As a matter of fact, it makes making a decision even harder. Hence, to make things easier and simple, we’ve brought out this guide.
Here, all of the important buying considerations and factors are provided clearly. So, you won’t miss out on anything. Sounds promising? Let’s go-
Does NPK Ratio Matter?
Yes, the NPK ratio does matter. That’s why the entire formula for the juniper trees starts at 16-4-8 or 12-4-8. And, the fertilizers providing these formulations provide the best results.
That said, some fertilizers shown in our list vary from this formulation. But, they still provide essential minerals important for the junipers. So, you’ll need to check whether they’re compatible with your trees or not.
Otherwise, you won’t get the benefits and results that you desire.
Is a Slow-Release Formula Important?
Honestly, slow-release formula fertilizers have different types of benefits. Here, they provide nutrients all year long. But, some complain that different fertilizers take a bit of time to provide the expected results.
In the end, it comes down to your preference. So, if you prefer that your plants get nutrition throughout the season then invest in one.
This means you won’t even have to frequently apply fertilizers over your trees. And, that saves you a lot of time and hassle.
Liquid Fertilizer, Fertilizer Pellets, Fertilizer Spikes: What’s Better?
When compared to the three types of fertilizers. They function differently and have different benefits.
Honestly, the easiest to apply out of the three are the liquid fertilizers. Even though you’ll need to mix them with water, they won’t be hard to apply.
Also, just spray them over the plants. That’ll do the trick easily. On the other hand, fertilizer pellets come in lightweight bags. And, they can be applied from that bag.
Here, you don’t need to mix them and that saves some time. Whereas, fertilizer spikes need to be dug in the ground. So, when it comes to harder soils, that can be hard.
But, spikes are durable as well. That said, they are the hardest to apply amongst the three, in our opinion.
Now, when it comes to liquid fertilizer, they don’t have a slow release of nutrients. This means you’ll need to provide them on a frequent basis. But, when it comes to the fertilizer pellets and spikes, you won’t require using them frequently. And, why?
Well, they release a slow-release of nutrients to your plants. So, you don’t need to apply them again and again as your plants will get the nutrients.
In the end, it all comes to your preference what you’ll need for the junipers. In our opinion, if you don’t have problems with frequent fertilizing, choose the liquid ones. They’re easy to apply and have no complications.
Application Factor
Even though we’ve talked about application for quite some time in the previous factor, there are still some things to be said.
First off, what type of fertilizer have you chosen?
As there are different fertilizers on the market, you’ll have to choose one. When you’re done choosing, then proceed with the application process.
Well, they’re easy to apply. And, if you’re working with a liquid one then you’ll have an easy time. Just mix it up with water and start using them on a frequent basis.
But, if you’re a beginner and new to gardening, go for the liquid ones. They’ll be easier to deal with and have proper instructions. Plus, they are the most common ones in the market. So, your life will be easy.
Well, above all, budget matters. Even though gardening could be a hobby for many. But, you don’t want to spend a lot on your hobby, right?
So, it’s important that you’ll set your budget and then start the work accordingly. But, I don’t think that buying a premium product means a better result.
We’ve already shown in the list that medium-range products bring better benefits for the junipers. So, you’ll need to choose according to your budget.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Is it possible to fertilize junipers?
Answer: Yes, you can fertilize junipers in order to look their best. Also, fertilizing junipers will make them have better growth too.
Question: When should you fertilize junipers?
Answer: Junipers should be fertilized in early spring or later winter. Just before the growth starts to begin, you should get on with the fertilization.
Question: What is the best way to keep junipers healthy?
Answer: The best way of keeping junipers healthy is maintaining airflow all the time. Also, clean the shrubs around it. Plus, prune out the deadwood in order to keep everything tidy. Furthermore, keep the branches dry in warmer weather so that you can avoid water buildup.
Question: Is humidity suitable for the juniper trees?
Answer: Yes, humidity and airflow are both wanted by the juniper trees.
Question: Is juniper growing a hard task?
Answer: No, growing junipers isn’t hard, by any means. So, growing them is easier. As they tolerate a wider soil range, you can plant them anywhere with ease. But, they do prefer well-drained clay. So, don’t go for soggy soil when you’re thinking of planting junipers.
Final Words
That’s it, gardeners! No more information from our end. But, we believe every bit of information was shared already in the article.
Now, it’s time to go out there and test the best fertilizer for junipers. But, if you’re having problems selecting a product then check the buying guide.
The key consideration will allow you to reconsider all your decisions. In the end, you’ll know clearly what you’ll need. So, give it a try.
Good Luck! Happy Gardening!
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