Looking at your Loropetalum and seeing that it’s losing the leaves is really devastating. If you don’t know the causes of leaf loss, you may live in a bubble. To fix the issue, you must know the exact causes of that.
So, why is Loropetalum losing leaves?
If the leaves become too old, Loropetalum can lose the leaves from the center and lower down naturally. A colder climate is another reason for losing leaves. Other reasons include over-pruning, overwatering, too little water, and lack of sunlight. You should allow at least 4 hours of sunlight every day. Leaves can also fall off if the soil contains alkaline elements and the pH level isn’t between 4.0 and 6.5.
You won’t feel helpful enough just by knowing that. You can learn more about the reasons and solutions by scrolling through the article.
Loropetalum Losing Leaves: 6 Reasons And Solutions
Loropetalum is a type of plant that is known for its beautiful leaves, which typically preserve its magnificent purple-ish hue and remain healthy throughout the year. However, these leaves can fall due to various reasons.
In this section, we’ll focus on the reasons and solutions in a shorter manner in this table.
Reasons | Solutions |
End of the lifespan of leaves | Natural phenomena |
Overwatering | Water appropriately |
Lack of sunlight | Ensure proper sunlight |
Alkaline soil | Put slightly acidic soil |
Cold temperature | Should not be less than 0° F |
Pests and disease infestation | Fertilize properly |
Over Pruning | Prun correctly |
Now, It’s time to discuss each of the causes properly along with the solution. Rather than wasting your time, let’s dive in!
Reason 1: End of Lifespan of Leaves
The first obvious reason is the end of the lifespan of leaves. As the leaves age, it is natural for the leaves to eventually start to show signs of wear and tear. In some cases, the leaves may even start to fall off entirely, leaving the plant looking bare and less vibrant.

Since this is a natural phenomenon, unfortunately, you have to bear with it. With proper care and attention, you can help your Loropetalum thrive and maintain its beautiful foliage for many years to come. New leaves will emerge in the stems, so don’t worry!
Reason 2: Overwatering
Loropetalum leaves can be lost due to overwatering because it can cause root rot, which decreases the plant’s overall health and functionality. Water saturation causes roots to be unable to absorb oxygen properly, which leads to their death.
Too much water is normally indicated by yellowing and dropping of the lower leaves first. In time too much water can be a killer of these plants and will start to show in time throughout the entire plant. It can also cause root rot and fungal diseases. Root rot will normally show up in the lower limbs dying and leaves dropping first as the disease moves upward.
This causes the plant to be unable to take up enough water, nutrients, and other elements from the soil, resulting in leaf drop and other stress symptoms. Too little water can also cause problems but I have found indications of this to show up in the upper foliage also with leaf tip burning and browning of the leaf margins.

Solution: Provide Appropriate Water
You must avoid overwatering your Loropetalum. Plant the Loropetalum in well-draining soil with drainage holes in the pot to prevent overwatering. Water the plant deeply but infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
Dig down 8 inches or so in several spots around the plant’s root ball. The soil should feel cool and moist, but not wet or too dry. Hold off on watering if the soil is too wet.
Also, you might want to check the lower limbs. Scratch off a few small spots of the outer bark of the limbs that have lost their leaves with your fingernail or knife. Green tissue indicates that the limb is still alive. The limb is most likely dead if it is tan or brown.
For Loropetalum planted in the fall or winter, watering once every week or two should be sufficient. However, if it’s planted during the springtime growing season, it will require more frequent watering – every day or two – for three to four months.
If you’re experiencing a dry spell or if the soil in your area is sandy, it’s recommended to water your Loropetalum every day for the first 2-4 months to ensure that it’s properly hydrated.
Reason 3: Lack of Sunlight
Just like every other plant, Loropetalum also needs a certain amount of sunlight for proper growth and survival and the amount is 4 hours minimum.
When a Loropetalum plant does not receive 4 hours of sunlight it may not be able to produce enough energy to sustain its foliage, leading to leaf drop. The top foliage may get better sunlight than the lower leaves, causing them to turn yellow and fall off. Lack of sunlight also makes your plumeria stem wrinkled.
Furthermore, when a Loropetalum plant is not getting enough light, it may become stressed and vulnerable to other problems such as pests and diseases, which can also cause leaf drops.
Always you need to ensure that your Loropetalum is getting 4 hours of sunlight in order to thrive. It is preferable to grow Loropetalum plants in full sun rather than partial shade.
It may be helpful to provide some afternoon shade in areas with hot summers in order to protect them from intense sunlight and heat.
Reason 4: Alkaline Soil
Another significant reason for losing leaves is having alkaline soil. A soil that is too alkaline can prevent plants from absorbing certain essential nutrients, such as iron and manganese.
In fact, Insufficient chlorophyll production can cause chlorosis, characterized by yellowing leaves. The leaves can eventually drop due to chlorosis.
Loropetalum prefers slightly acidic soil with a pH ranging from 4.0 to 6.5. Too alkaline soil, with a pH greater than 7.0, can lead to the plant’s leaves yellowing and dropping. So, always plant the Loropetalum in soil that has a pH level from 4.0 to 6.5.
By providing the correct soil conditions, you can help your Loropetalum maintain healthy foliage and prevent leaf drop.
Reason 5: Cold Temperature
Cold temperatures can be responsible for causing plants to lose their leaves through a process called abscission. As part of their normal growth and development, plants shed their leaves, flowers, and fruit through abscission.
Some leaf drops of the lower older leaves are normal during the winter and early spring months but the plants fill back in with new growth each year fine.
However, exposure to extremely cold temperatures can trigger abscission prematurely, which causes the plant to lose its leaves before they have fully matured or before the normal leaf fall season.
Be conscious of the temperature. Any reading below 0 Fahrenheit is a danger zone for the plant. If you’re living in a cold area, you should save the roots with mulch and burlap and shrub laps. Keep the plant away from cold winds in a protected area. Additionally, covering the plant may provide protection from freezing temperatures.
Reason 6: Pests And Disease Infestation
Loropetalum leaves are susceptible to falling off when pests like mites or aphids feed on them, weakening them. Leaves can also be damaged by diseases like leaf spots or powdery mildew, causing them to wilt and eventually fall off.
Also, Loropetalum can shed leaves due to stress caused by pests and diseases like bacterial gall, and anthracnose fungus. Plants will shed leaves to conserve energy when they are under stress, which prioritizes survival over growth and reproduction. You may see yellow or brown spotting or holes on the leaves indicating signs of sickness.
To get rid of all of the pests and disease infestation, you must apply a balanced fertilizer. Lack of nutrition has an adverse effect on plant leaves. It will also make your calla lily flowers turn green.
A balanced fertilizer like 8-8-8 and similar will work fantastic. The ideal time to fertilize Loropetalum is right after its blooming season in early spring and summer.

However, if this window has passed, anytime until early fall would still be appropriate. It’s advisable not to fertilize the plants as winter approaches, as it may stimulate the growth of new and delicate leaves, which may not survive harsh winter conditions.
Reason 7: Over-pruning
Over Pruning can be responsible for Loropetalum losing leaves because it can cause stress to the plant and disrupt its growth cycle. Although Loropetalum typically responds positively to pruning, larger varieties that require frequent shearing to control their height may be susceptible to over-pruning.
As a result of over-pruning, the lower parts of the plant may become bare, and the constant production of new leaves can deplete the plant’s energy and compromise its overall health.
Also, excessive pruning reduces the plant’s ability to transport water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves as it removes too much stem and branch tissue. The plant can also lose leaves as a result of this.
The solution is pretty obvious here. Pruning your Loropetalum accurately is essential. In order to reduce the size of overgrown Loropetalums, they should be trimmed after blooming. You should remove only 25-33% of the plant at a time of pruning.
To maintain a sturdy shape, you can use thinning cuts. Loropetalums have a rapid regrowth rate.
Tips for Healthy Loropetalum Plant
A healthy plant is a blessing for your garden and you won’t get that anyway. You should follow some tips to get a healthy plant. Here, I am giving you some pro tips that can make your plant healthier if you follow them.
- You should reveal your Loropetalum plant in the morning sun and afternoon shade for its growth.
- Excessive watering can rot the root of your Loropetalum. So you should avoid excessive watering.
- Pruning loropetalum regularly helps to maintain its shape and size. Pruning also promotes new growth and helps prevent disease. Prune in the early spring before new growth begins.
- Protect your loropetalum from extreme weather conditions such as frost or drought. Cover the plant with a cloth or blanket during cold spells and water it regularly during drought periods.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
How do you rejuvenate Loropetalum?
Rejuvenating Loropetalum involves pruning it back to encourage new growth and improve its overall appearance. Loropetalum hedges that are getting very thin on the bottom need to be pruned. You can rejuvenate your Loropetalum by trimming the hedge. It will help the Loropetalum branches to get light to regrow it.
How do you revive a dying Loropetalum?
Check the soil moisture level and adjust the watering accordingly. Loropetalum prefers moist but well-drained soil. Then, Check the soil pH and nutrient levels. Loropetalum prefers slightly acidic soil (pH 4.0-6.5). If the plant is severely damaged or diseased, prune back the dead or diseased branches.
Can Loropetalum grow in pots?
Yes, Loropetalum can grow well in pots as long as they are provided with the right growing conditions. Choose a pot that is at least 2-3 times larger than the root ball of the plant. The pot should have good drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Then, place the pot in an area that receives at least 4-6 hours of sunlight per day.
I hope the article cleared up all your confusion regarding why Loropetalum losing leaves. If your Loropetalum is losing leaves profusely, you can solve it easily if you maintain the solutions.
If you want to grow your Loropetalum without any hassle and don’t want to lose the leaves, you should always follow the requirements of a Loropetalum plant plantation. You should avoid overwatering because it can rot the root as well as lose the leaves.
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