Cypress Vine Vs Cardinal Climber; Complete Comparison

Both Cypress Vine and Cardinal Climber beauty-increasing plants for your garden. 

However, you may be wondering about picking one between Cypress Vine vs Cardinal Climber. 

Cypress vines have delicate foliage that looks like ferns, while Cardinal climbers’ leaves are broader and sturdier. The flowers of Cypress Vine are red in color with pentagon-shaped meanwhile Cardinal Climcer will blow your mind with star-shaped pink, red, and white colored flowers. Furthermore, Cypress Vine can grow up to 20 feet tall, whereas Cardinal Climber grows up to 15 feet tall.

Aside from the physical differences, there are also some differences regarding their gardening habits. Let’s get to know them all in detail in this article.    

Cypress Vine Vs Cardinal Climber: A Quick Overview 

Cypress Vine is an annual vine for enhancing the outdoor beauty of your garden. The plants are known for their delicate feathery foliage as well as their small, tubular flowers that come in shades of red, pink, and white.

On the other hand, Cardinal climber is a perennial vine with bright red, trumpet-shaped flowers, and lush, fern-like foliage. Your garden will be enhanced with the beauty of this beautiful outdoor plant.

In spite of the fact that they seem similar, some factors separate them. Let’s look at the factors now. It would be convenient to briefly review them before discussing them. 

Factors  Cypress vine  Cardinal Climber 
Foliage Delicate, finely divided, fern-like Sturdier, thickly divided, broader shaped
Flowers  Pentagon-shaped.

Red color


Pink, red, and white color

Size of plant  Upto 20 feet Upto 15 feet
Required Soil depth ½ inch of well-drained soil ¼ inch of well-drained soil
Required Soil pH Neutral to slightly acidic and slightly Alkaline  Neutral 
Required Sunlight  Full sun

Full to partial shade 

Full sun 

Full sun to partial sun 

Fertilizer Requirement  Balanced fertilizer Rarely needed
Growth habit  Slow but quick after establishing  Fast 
Propagation  seed, stem cutting  Seed, stem cutting 
Toxicity  Toxic to humans and pets  Toxic to dogs, cats, humans
Resistance Deer resistant,

Humidity tolerant

Humidity tolerant


Let’s find out how they differ from one another now. There are many factors to be discussed in this section so we will be going through them one by one.  

Factor 1: Foliage


Cypress vines have delicate, finely divided foliage, giving them a lacy, delicate appearance. Conversely, Cardinal climbers have thicker, more broadly divided leaves that give them a more substantial appearance.

Cypress vine climbs easily and gracefully due to its delicate, fern-like foliage, which makes it a great choice for trellises and other support structures. However, it can be damaged due to frequent rain and strong winds. Building a perfect trellis for the proper growth of Cypress Vine is necessary if you don’t want to spoil the whole thing. 

Cardinal climber, on the other hand, can be protected from damage from the elements by its thicker, sturdier foliage. Although it can be trained onto supports, it may not be as graceful or as easy as a cypress vine.

Factor 2: Flowers 

Cypress vine flowers

Cypress vine flowers are pentagon-shaped and vibrant red in color. Cardinal climber flowers, on the other hand, are star-shaped and come in pink, red, and white colors.

Therefore, the cypress vine flowers have a distinct shape and color. Cardinal climber flowers are characterized by their unique starlike appearance and variegated colors.

Factor 3: Size of Plant

The cypress vine can grow up to a maximum height of 20 feet, whereas the cardinal climber reaches a slightly smaller height of 15 feet. 

Actually, the size is an important factor of this kind of plant. Cypress vine is typically larger than Cardinal climber. Cardinal Climber is a good choice if you want to put it in a small area. However, the Cypress Vine is a wonderful choice if your garden has a lot of space. 

Factor 4: Required Soil Depth

Specifically, the recommended soil depth for planting cypress vine is 1/2 inch, whereas, for the cardinal climber, it is shallower at 1/4 inch. However, both plants require well-draining soil for seeding their seeds. 

Factor 5: Required Soil pH

The pH level of the soil is a great factor when comparing the cardinal climber with the cypress vine. The cypress vine needs slightly acidic,  it can also tolerate soil that is ranging from neutral to slightly acidic and slightly alkaline.

Cucumber also prefers slightly acidic soil, if it doesn’t get proper soil, cucumber may taste like chemicals. On the other hand, the cardinal climber asks for neutral soil totally. 

Factor 6: Required Sunlight

Both cardinal climber and cypress vine require full sunshade. Both of these plants also thrive in full shade to partial shade. So, in this factor, both of the plants need the same kind of sunshade. 

Cypress Vine needs a sturdy source of light until it is ready for outdoor transplantation. The seedlings should be planted in the garden once the temperatures consistently remain above 50 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the day and night.

Factor 7: Fertilizer Requirement 

There is a significant difference between the fertilizer requirements of cypress vines and cardinal climbers. It is necessary to fertilize cypress vines with a balanced fertilizer, whereas cardinal climbers rarely need to be fertilized.

So, it’s important not to overlook the fertilizer factor when growing cypress vines. In contrast, you shouldn’t fertilize a cardinal climber. Providing a fair amount of fertilizer is very important for the proper growth of these plants like tomatoes. Otherwise, tomatoes can grow with pointed ends.   

Factor 8: Growth Habit 

In comparison to the fast-growing habit of the Cardinal climber, the Cypress vine has a slower initial growth rate, but once established, it quickly accelerates its growth.

So, due to the Cardinal Climber’s fast growth rate, it is advisable to set up a trellis promptly after planting this, whether it is in a garden or a container.

Factor 9: Propagation

Both Cypress Vine and Cardinal Climber require propagation, unlike ZZ supernova vs Raven. When it comes to propagating and growing seeds of Cypress vine, there are two options available for propagation – sowing in situ and starting indoors. Sowing in situ involves directly planting the seeds into the location where they will grow and mature. 

On the other hand, starting seeds indoors is a method where the seeds are germinated and grown indoors before being transplanted into their final location.

It is important to take certain precautions before planting Cardinal climber seeds. By nicking or filing the seed coat, scarifying the seeds is recommended, followed by soaking them in warm water for 8 to 12 hours. Germination is improved by softening the hard seed coat during this process. 

Temperatures between 65oF and 80oF are ideal for the successful germination of Cardinal Climber. Plant the scarified seeds 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep after they’ve been soaked and scarified. In order to germinate and grow seeds, it is recommended that you use a seed-starting mix.

Cardinal climbers dislike root disturbance, so it is recommended to plant the pot with the seedling when transplanting. To ensure a healthy plant’s growth, provide warm, moist conditions after planting. Plants should germinate within 7 to 14 days with proper care and attention.

Factor 10: Toxicity 

There is a risk associated with both Cypress Vine and Cardinal Climber for humans and pets. That’s why they should be handled with caution. Cardinal climbers are specifically toxic to cats, dogs, and humans, if they eat Cardinal Climbers, they can die because the plant is poisonous.  

On the other hand, Cypress vines are totally a toxic plant especially since the seeds are extremely toxic. Humans and pets should be alert from eating it

So, make sure to take precautions when handling either plant species, especially if pets or children are present.

Factor 10: Resistance 

There are significant differences between Cypress vines and Cardinal climbers when it comes to their resistance to environmental factors. The Cypress vine is resistant to deer and tolerant of humidity, whereas the Cardinal climber is not. 

Cypress vines may thrive in areas where deer pose a threat and humidity levels fluctuate, while Cardinal climbers may thrive in areas with consistent humidity.

So, Which One Is Better?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. When choosing between Cypress Vine and Cardinal Climber, it is difficult to provide a straightforward answer.  You should consider your preferences and needs before making a decision.

There are two different types of foliage and flowers on these plants. Cardinal Climber is perfect for those who enjoy multiple colors in one plant. If you love red flowers, however, Cypress Vine is the perfect choice for you.

For those looking for a plant with a fast growth rate, Cardinal Climber can be the holy grail. The reason is that it grows too quickly. 

Also, it doesn’t require any fertilizer application, so it will be a win-win situation for people who are lazy to provide fertilizer. Nevertheless, it’s your choice which one you want to decorate your garden with. 

One thing more, if you want to plant a cypress vine inside a pot this video may help you tremendously. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What are other names for cypress vine?

The common names of the Cypress vine are morning glory, the cardinal creeper, the cardinal vine, the star glory, the star of Bethlehem, and the hummingbird vine. Originally native to the Americas, this vine has also been naturalized in other tropical regions around the world. 

What are the benefits of cypress vines?

Many health problems have been treated with Cypress Vine’s medical benefits. It is excellent for treating hemorrhoids, ulcers, diabetes, and cancer. The Cypress Vine plant is highly valued in Ayurveda for its ability to address a variety of ailments.

How do you plant a cardinal plant?

Plant Cardinal flowers in areas with morning sun and afternoon shade, except in cooler regions where full sun is required. Also, they require moist and nutrient-rich soil, which can be achieved by adding organic matter to the soil before planting. The best time to introduce new Cardinal flower plants is during the spring season.


I hope, you got enlightened profusely regarding the differences between Cypress Vine vs Cardinal Climber. 

These two plants are eye-catching and enhance the beauty of your garden. Therefore, you should pick one based on the gardening factors of each. It was also important to consider your personal preferences. Whatever plant you choose, you must take care to grow it. 

Happy gardening!

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