Tiger Tooth Aloe Too Tall: Nothing to Worry About!

Aloe Juvenna, commonly known as tiger tooth aloe, is a great addition to your household garden. But recently you might be noticing their outrageous growth which is quite uncommon!

So, why is your tiger tooth aloe too tall?

Inadequate sunlight is the prominent reason for tiger tooth aloe getting excessively tall. Make sure they get 6-8 hours of bright, indirect light. Overwatering and nutrition deficiency are also culpable for this condition. Water them once a week and use cactus mixes for avoiding those situations.

This small answer won’t suffice your query. So stick with us to know the underlying causes and possible solutions in detail!

Why Is My Tiger Tooth Aloe Too Tall: Reasons And Remedies

With adequate care, Tiger Tooth Aloe (Aloe Juvenna) has the potential to reach a height of approximately 12 inches. Although it starts off as a slow-growing plant, it gradually reaches its full height over time. 

However, If your plant grows more than 12 inches, it is likely growing unnaturally. So, there is cause for alarm. 

In order to identify the root cause of this problem, it is important to understand the reasons. When you identify the underlying causes, you can develop effective solutions.

Before discussing the reasons and solutions in a details way, let’s take a glimpse at them first.

Reasons  Remedies 
Too much light/Not enough light  Ensure 6-8 hours of light 
Too much water  Water once a week 
Nutrition deficiency  Use cactus mix
Planting in a small pot  Move the plant to a bigger pot

Now, it’s time to discuss the reasons and solutions in a detailed comprehensive manner. 

Reason 1: Too Much Light 

Too Much Light
Source: thebelmontrooster.com

Tiger Tooth Aloe typically grows compact and low. However, if a succulent receives excessive sunlight, it attempts to protect itself by elongating its stem.

So, to get more light or to reduce its surface area exposed to intense light, the plant stretches upward. It results in tall and leggy plants with widely spaced leaves and elongated stems.

On the other hand, Insufficient light can cause a Tiger Tooth Aloe (Aloe Juvenna) to become tall. It is also a common reason for no male flowers on cucumbers. The aloe stems can stretch out due to a phenomenon called etiolation.


Tiger Tooth Aloe requires approximately 6-8 hours of sunlight daily to thrive. It prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate low-light conditions as well. 

However, excessive direct sunlight can result in leaf dehydration or burning, leading to the plant’s elongation. To prevent this, it is advisable to provide partial shade when cultivating the plant outdoors in hot climates. 

Also, regularly rotate the pot to ensure all sides of the plant receive equal light exposure. This helps prevent the plant from leaning or growing unevenly toward the light source.

Reason 2: Too much Water

Excessive watering can contribute to the Tiger Tooth Aloe (Aloe Juvenna) becoming tall. Overwatering can cause soil to become saturated, resulting in waterlogged roots. Constantly wet roots may struggle to absorb oxygen properly, resulting in weak roots.


Water the Tiger Tooth Aloe deeply but infrequently. You should water the tiger tooth once a week not more than that. Thoroughly hydrate the soil by watering it until the water drains out of the bottom of the pot.

Then, allow the soil to completely dry out before watering again. This method helps prevent overwatering and encourages a more compact growth habit. To avoid overwatering, it’s important to assess the soil moisture level before watering the plant once a week.

Reason 3: Nutrition Deficiency 

Nutrition Deficiency
Source: plantcaretoday.com

Nutritional deficiencies can contribute to the tall growth of Tiger Tooth Aloe (Aloe Juvenna). A plant’s growth can become elongated and stretched when it lacks vital nutrients. A lack of certain nutrients can cause Tiger Tooth Aloe to grow taller than usual. Nutrition deficiency is also culpable for your cucumber tasting like chemicals.


To ensure optimal growth of your Tiger Tooth Aloe, it is recommended to utilize well-draining soil. Cactus mixes are a great choice for tiger tooth aloe. Because they usually include additional perlite and sand, which promotes proper drainage.

Tiger Tooth Aloe does not require feeding, but it is beneficial to its overall health and potential blooming. During the active growing season, choose a balanced fertilizer and apply it sparingly.

Reasons 4: Planting in Small Pot 

If you’re using a pot that is not wide enough to grow the plant, it can become too tall. Opting for a pot that has a wider width compared to its height can effectively curb excessive vertical growth in succulents. 

As a matter of fact, when a succulent is confined in a small pot, it experiences limited root space. Also, it may prioritize vertical growth in an attempt to seek out more room for its roots. 


To promote a more compact growth pattern, you may repot your Tiger Tooth Aloe into a wider pot. This adjustment can help create a favorable environment for the plant’s development. 

How to Grow And Care for Tiger Tooth Aloe

Like any other plant tiger tooth aloe also needs some special care to grow it properly. Growing and taking care of Tiger Tooth Aloe involves the following steps: 


  • Choose a well-draining soil that is suitable for proper watering.


  • Water deeply but infrequently, as Tiger Tooth Aloe is sensitive to root rot.
  • Water the plant once a week, but ensure to check the moisture level of the soil before watering to avoid excessive water.
  • Allow the soil to mostly dry out before watering again.
  • Adopt the “soak and dry” method to prevent overwatering.


  • Position the plant in an area with bright, indirect sunlight.


  • Maintain a warm environment for the plant, as it is not tolerant of frost.


  • To propagate Tiger Tooth Aloe from cuttings, use a sterile and sharp knife or pair of scissors. Select a stem from the parent plant and let it dry for a day or two before planting it in well-draining soil.


  • If your Tiger Tooth Aloe has grown excessively tall and you desire to reduce its height, pruning is a viable option. Trim the upper section of the plant, leaving a few inches of stem, and allow it to callus.
  • Plant the cutting in well-draining soil to initiate propagation. Using this method, you can manage the height of your Tiger Tooth Aloes. Also, it will help simultaneously grow an independent succulent.

By following these steps, you will be able to grow and care for Tiger Tooth Aloe effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How do you shorten an aloe vera stem?

Choose a section of the stem that contains a few root nodes. Use a clean pair of sharp pruners to make a cut just below the root nodes. Place the Aloe vera cutting in a dry location away from direct sunlight. Allow it to cure for a period of 1-3 weeks. The duration of curing depends on the size of the cutting, with larger cuttings requiring a longer curing time.

Can I spray water on the aloe vera plant?

It’s not recommended to spray water on the aloe vera plant. Because misting is not necessary for Aloe vera, as water left on the shoots can lead to rot or wilting. Therefore, it is important to prevent the Aloe shoots from getting wet. 

Is Tiger Tooth Aloe good for the skin?

It’s not recommended to use tiger tooth aloe on the skin. Because it may cause skin irritation. Also, you should not ingest this particular kind of aloe since it can be toxic to your stomach.


Now, you know why your tiger tooth aloe too tall

Once its thick stems can no longer support upright growth, tiger tooth aloe makes an intriguing ground cover option. But soem people may find it irritating. For them, this article contains the solutions to fix the issue of getting too long. Happy gardening.

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