Plants That Attract Hummingbirds But Not Bees (3 Plants to Pick From)

Hummingbirds are beautiful birds and they can pollinate as well. That’s why you may want to attract them instead of bees. Because bees can cause some serious injuries if you aren’t careful enough. 

So, what are the plants that attract hummingbirds but not bees

Some specific plants can attract hummingbirds only. It happens due to the shape of the flower from where they get the nectar. Basically, plants that have tubular-shaped flowers will attract just hummingbirds. This is because hummingbirds have beaks that can reach into the tubular-shaped flower. 

Is the above information enough? No, right. That’s why we’ve explained everything in detail. 

So, let’s not wait anymore. 

How to Attract Hummingbirds And Not Bees?

First of all, let’s see how you can avoid bees. 

So, bees are color-blind to red and green. So if you plant more red and green flowers, you will also have fewer bees. But bees have very good smelling power. Therefore, bees still might get attracted by the flower. 

Bees also have short tongues. That is why they cannot reach into a tubular structure. 

So, if the flower has a tubular shape or structure. Then bees will not be able to reach the nectar. 

Eventually, they will pass by. So, the longest trumpet flowers will work the best.

Now, hummingbirds are most attracted to orange, red, purple, and hot pink flowers. The shape they prefer is a tubular flower, which the bees clearly don’t. 

The hummingbird has a long beak. The beak is perfectly engineered to sip the nectar deep inside tubular or trumpet-shaped flowers.

So, you can plant flowers that have a tubular shape. It will only be the food of hummingbirds or even butterflies. Once the hummingbirds know where their flowers are they will keep coming. 

Try to plant different varieties of tubular-shaped flower plants. These will give the birds proper nutrition. So, they won’t go far for a proper diet. 

This is how you can attract hummingbirds and not bees. 

The Plants That Attracts only Hummingbird But Not Bees

plants that attract hummingbirds but not bees

These plants below will solve your problem. Plus they will only attract hummingbirds. The bees will pass by them or will not be interested in the plants below-

1. Pineapple Sage

Pineapple sage is a bright green and shrubby perennial with ovate pointed leaves. They smell like fresh pineapple. This plant whorls vibrant red flowers in summer, just what hummingbirds like. 

How to Plant And Grow Pineapple Saga?

The pineapple sage plant cannot survive in cold climates. It will grow back in the beginning of spring. The plant will need full sun. Furthermore, it has to be contained in a good container or in well-drained soil. 

Now, if you want to use containers, we have some recommendations-

You can use any of the above containers.

To plant the pineapple sage, make sure they are 24 to 36 inches apart. The soil should be sandy and well-drained. The Ph must be from 6.0 to 8.0. And lastly but most importantly, plant it in a place where it can get abundant sunlight.  

2. Red Salvia 

The Red Salvia looks stunning when massed together in a garden bed. These are native plants of Brazil. 

How to Plant And Grow Red Salvia? 

The Red Salvia is one of the most popular plants for gardening. It will look great in the summer. The plant grows quickly and should be planted in mid-spring. 

Red salvia is fairly temperature-sensitive and will grow best in a consistent environment.  It will reach a height of 18 to 30 inches.

Red salvia can grow in partial shade. But it will grow better if it receives 6 to 8 hours of bright sunlight each day. 

Red salvia prefers moist but well-drained soil. Therefore, plant it in loamy soil which will not retain much water. Try to use a balanced fertilizer, it will be enough for red salvia plants. 

The flower will attract the hummingbirds. The shape of the flowers is tubular. Therefore you will see hummingbirds around your garden.

Lastly, direct sunlight is always harmful to your plants. So, you might want to use a sunblock shade cloth for your plants. Well, luckily, we have some recommendations-

You can buy any of the sun-blocking cloth for your plants.

3. Dyckias

Dyckia are rosette-shaped. They are not technically succulents. Because they do not store water in their leaves. 

How to Plant And Grow Dyckias?

Beware of exposing the plants to freezing temperatures they cannot grow in cold climates. Temperatures should be below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, the best time to grow dyckias is during summer and spring.

Plant these dyckias in well-drained soil. Dahlias can survive in less sunlight but they prefer full sunlight. Dyckias can survive drought but make sure it gets enough watering. Otherwise, you will lose them. 

Fertilize them in the growing seasons. You can use any balanced fertilizer. And don’t fertilize them in winter. 

You might be confused about which fertilizer you should buy. Here are some suggestions-

These are some of the best fertilizers available. 

If your dyckia becomes too dry, their growth will stop and they’ll eventually wilt. But don’t despair, they recover once watered. Dyckia can survive long periods without moisture. 

Now, long stalks with multiple oranges, yellow, or red flowers will appear in spring. 

These flowers will attract the hummingbird as they are attracted to these colors. 

So, these plants will attract the hummingbirds and not the bees. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is Agastache a preference for bees?

Answer: Members of the mint family are particularly appealing to bees. And giant Agastache is no exception. In fact, it is one of the most appealing plants for bees. And supports a diverse range of pollinators.

Question: Hummingbirds are drawn to zinnias.

Answer: Its beautiful blossoms attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Zinnia, a popular annual, is easy to cultivate from seed. The Zinnias thrive in zones 2 to 11.

Question: Are hummingbirds attracted to gladiolus?

Answer: Hummingbirds are drawn to gladiolus. Gladiolus are perennial bulbs with beautiful flowers that grow vertically. It’s no surprise that hummingbirds are drawn to them.


These are the plants that attract hummingbirds but not bees. We have discussed how and why a bee or hummingbird gets attracted to plants. This information will definitely help in your expedition. 

Good Luck!

1 thought on “Plants That Attract Hummingbirds But Not Bees (3 Plants to Pick From)”

  1. Thank you so much for this information have small children and very concerned about the bees we’ll give it a try and see how it all works out will let you know thank you

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