Problems with Blue Lake Pole Beans (4 Issues + Treatments)

Almost all gardeners have blue lake pole bean plants in their gardens. Because beans are very easy to grow. But with time you’ll face some problems with your beans. These problems require urgent solutions. 

So, what are the problems with Blue Lake pole beans? 

Well, there are 4 common issues that can occur while growing blue lake pole beans. First of all, you might encounter yellow leaves. Then leaves shriveling is also a common scenario. Leaves drying up is another super common problem. Lastly, you might see malformed leaves on your bean plant too. 

This is just the general idea. But to save your plant from these problems, you need to act quickly and properly. That’s why we’ve broken down the problems along with solutions for you. 

So, spare some of your precious time and read along with us!

4 Common Blue Lake Pole Beans Problems

problems with blue lake pole beans

Gardeners more or less plant blue lake pole beans as it’s quite easy to grow. Yet there will be some difficulties if you don’t have proper knowledge about beans’ natural illness. Thus, all your plants will be damaged.

So, we are here to discuss the top 4 blue lake pole beans issues along with treatments-

Reason 1: Yellow Leaves

The first thing you’ll notice on your plant is yellow leaves. Your plants having yellow leaves is a common issue for bean plants. In most cases, the culprit of this problem is the soil or the temperature. 

But there are other reasons too. For instance, check if there is any sort of bacteria or virus-like bean mosaic virus. 

Usually, these diseases transmit through insects like aphids. These result in yellow leaves. Your bean leaves might have holes in them too if this is the cause.

Generally in the winter season, the plant’s leaves go dry and turn yellow. This can be another reason as well. For bean plants, winter is an ideal time to spread diseases very quickly. Thus, leaves turn yellow and fall off.


If too much heat is causing the yellow, transfer your plant to a cooler place. Water the plant till it’s hydrated again. 

In the case of insects, spray an effective insecticidal soap on your plants. It will help to rescue your damaged leaves.

These are some most effective soaps available in the market- 

However, the bug process can help you as well. This is the most natural technique to revive your plants. 

Use beneficial bugs like ladybugs. These insects will grasp all aphids and protect them from getting yellowish.

Lastly, the reason behind the yellow leaves can also be a fungal disease. In that case, cut the affected leaf parts first and discard them. Then use a good quality fungicide to stop the disease from spreading even more.

Here are some top-quality fungicides to use-

Reason 2: Shriveled Leaves

Mosaic virus or aphids can be the reason for your shriveled leaves. But cucurbit leaf crumple virus can be responsible too. It is one sort of whitefly that causes leaf curl disease.


If the reason is insects, just use a good insecticide. However, controlling the mosaic virus isn’t easy. 

You’ll have to prune the infected parts of the leaf immediately. Then burn them. But you can’t cure the plant. Therefore, it’s best to get rid of the plant afterward. 

So, there’s no possible cure for the virus. As a result, you should keep in mind some preventive methods next time. These are-

First, use aluminum foil this time. Surround the mulch area with aluminum foil. It will protect the plant from any viruses or insects.

No aluminum foil available with you right now? 

Here are some suggestions-

You can also wrap the bean area using paper. Harbor the plants into the holes of paper. 

But remember, you must remove the paper during summer times. This will help you avoid other plant issues.

Reason 3: Malformed Bean Leaves

Herbicide is quite popular among gardeners. Herbicide has both pros and cons, which can affect your plant’s well-being. For example, using too much herbicide can also cause malformed bean leaves. 

Products similar to horse manure or mulching with grass clipping can harm your leaves. These help to form aphids in your plant and end up with malformed leaves.


Firstly, minimize the use of any herbicide. Or totally change the brand to an effective yet less harmful one.

Secondly, the use of soapy water is another most effective way to protect your leaves. Spray the soap water liquid all over your bean plant. Then insects like aphids will be gone. 

Removing the mulching part is quite helpful too. The moment you see some growth of malformed leaves, just take off the mulch thing. Thus, your leaves will recover quickly.

But if nothing works, pluck out the whole plant and wait till the summer. As summer is the ideal time to grow bean plants. 

Reason 4: Green Leaves Are Drying Up

Drying leaves is a great headache for gardeners. Reasons behind this are excessive heat, inconsistent watering, plant diseases, nutrition overdose, or even bugs.

So, identify the actual cause and act accordingly. Proper medication can undoubtedly revive your plants.


Firstly, identify the reason behind drying up leaves. If it’s not related to any insects or bugs, change the plant’s location. Place them into a cooler place and water them regularly.

But when it’s the insects, apply insecticides to demolish them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Should beans be soaked before planting?

Answer: No, don’t soak your beans before planting. Usually, soaked beans regenerate poor germination. In spite of soaking, plant them in warm, moist soil and get a better result.

Question: Why are my pole beans not germinating?

Answer: Generally applying too much nitrogen in fertilizer or manure causes delayed maturity. However, if your bean flowers do not set pods, the reason might be zinc deficiency. In this case, spray kelp-based fertilizer, and your plants will germinate.

Question: Why are my blue lake pole beans not producing?

Answer:  When the temperature is consistently over 85 degrees, the blossoms won’t develop. Further, hot dry wind can also aggravate the situation.

End Note

However, that’s all for today. Hopefully, you’ve understood the problems with blue lake pole beans. 

Just identify the actual reason and resolve the issue accordingly.

Good luck!

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