Why Is My Pothos Droopy? (Reasons And Ways To Help)

With its light green leaves, a pothos plant adds a vibrant touch to your garden. It’s fairly easy to look after and grows with lovely vines. So, when it wilts and droops, we understand why it’s a cause of concern. 

However, there’s no need to worry. 

So, today we’ll investigate- why is my pothos droopy

Your pothos is droopy due to dry soil, rotten roots, and dry air. In dry conditions, your pothos will droop as a response to stress. Rotten roots prevent it from taking the water it needs. These reduce water and nutrient absorption, which leaves your pothos droopy.

We know this isn’t enough for you to tackle the problem at hand. Therefore, we encourage you to read our article below. Each of these issues has been discussed in detail to help your pothos stand upright!

Let’s get to helping our pothos right now! 

Why Is Your Pothos Droopy And Is There Any Way To Help?

why is my pothos droopy

There are a few simple reasons for which your pothos is droopy. These revolve around watering, rotting roots, and the environment it’s in. But, don’t you worry. 

Each of these issues is easy to address. Keep reading our article as we’ve elaborated on these for you.

1. Soil Is Too Dry

Pothos is a plant that loves water. Therefore, it prefers moist soil. If you keep the soil dry, the pothos won’t get the water it needs to grow. 

The soil can get dry due to underwatering or keeping the plant in a dry climate. As the soil gets dry, the pothos will get stressed. When your soil is dry, it will look and feel like breadcrumbs. 

Simply place a finger into the soil and see how much soil clings to it. If it feels dry and only specks of soil cling to your fingers, the soil is dry. 

Therefore, to conserve water in its cells, the pothos will wilt and become droopy. In extreme cases, the leaves of the pothos can curl inwards too.

Regular Watering Should Do The Trick!

This is an easy problem to address. All you need to do is regularly water your pothos. 

This means watering twice a week. When watering the plant, make sure to saturate the soil 2 inches deep.

As the water seeps down, it’ll keep the soil moist throughout. This will help the pothos take in the water slowly.

Within 3 weeks to 1 month, your pothos should revive. The leaves will open up and it won’t be droopy.  

2. Overwatering And Rotting Roots

While underwatering is a major concern, overwatering isn’t good for pothos either. When you overwater and leave the topsoil soaking, the water clogs the roots. 

As the roots remain drenched in this water, they begin to rot. This slows down the water uptake process for the pothos. 

Since it takes up less water, it can’t remain turgid anymore. As a result, it starts to droop. You’ll understand that overwatering is an issue when weekly watering isn’t improving the wilting. 

Drain, Trim, And Repot

To help your pothos get better from overwatering and rot, you need to do a few things. First, you need to drain the plant. You can do this by taking the entire plant out first. 

Afterward, you need to trim and prune the rotten roots. For this, you’ll need some clippers. 

If you want to invest in good root and plant clippers, look no further. Our options below will get the job done right!

Once you’ve checked these out, let’s continue. 

Make sure to only trim the brown, rotten roots. After this, you can move to the final step.

After trimming, repot the plant into the same pot or a new one. Increase drainage of the pot by drilling 2 to 3 holes at the bottom. Place the plant in the pot and cover it well with soil. 

Lastly, water the plant as mentioned above. By 2 weeks, your pothos should be upright and thriving. 

3. Air Lacks Moisture

Dry air can make your pothos droopy. This is because your pothos will transpire more. Doing so will cause it to lose water. You’ll know this is the issue when the leaves look pale and drained of color.  

To prevent that, your pothos will wilt and become droopy. This lets it preserve water so that it doesn’t dry out.

Regular Misting Is Key

This issue is the easiest to solve. All you need to do is mist the leaves of the pothos regularly. This will keep transpiration rates normal and let your pothos revive.

Regular misting means doing it once every day. You can do this using a manual spray bottle. If not, you can also buy a small humidifier to mist your pothos. 

Finally, your pothos will be revived in 2 weeks.  

With all of these issues covered, you now know how to help your drooping pothos. If these tips don’t help, feel free to call a professional.. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Does pothos grow faster in water or soil?

Answer: Pothos will grow faster in soil than in water. However, when placed in water, pothos roots sprout fairly quickly. However, for best and fast results, stick to the soil. 

Question: How much can a pothos grow in a month?

Answer: Pothos is a fast-growing plant. When tended and watered right, it will grow 12 inches every month. With some varieties of pothos, this can also reach up to 18 inches. 

Question: How long can a pothos live?

Answer: A pothos plant lasts a fair while. If cared for the right way, they can live for up to 10 years. To help it last that long, you’ll need to fertilize and water your pothos regularly. You’ll also have to prune your pothos off the dead vines and leaves. 


Why is my pothos droopy?” Well, now you know all the reasons. We hope the tips we’ve given help your pothos revive back very soon. 

If you want to give us feedback or communicate, let us know in the comments below. Till then, best of luck with your gardening adventures!

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