Zelkova Schneideriana Bonsai Yellowing Leaves (3 Causes)

Sometimes we miss out on small details while we care for Zelkova Schneideriana. This can make them look unwell with yellowing leaves. You may start feeling helpless about what to do now. 

Do you want to know why your Zelkova Schneideriana Bonsai yellowing leaves

It could be due to a lack of an ideal balance of nutrients and fertilizers. Or when you don’t water it properly. It could be because you are giving the tree too much stress by moving it around too often. Or due to not maintaining an ideal temperature for its growth. 

If you do the above things correctly from the start, they will never get ill! 

To know about all the factors of caring for your plants in detail, dive right in! 

What Causes Yellowing Of Leaves in Zelkova

zelkova schneideriana bonsai yellowing leaves

Yellowing of leaves is normal as long as it is only for a few leaves. But when you see that almost all of your leaves in Zelkova are yellowing, you should be concerned. 

This issue occurs for a number of reasons. And when this occurs, you can also revive the plant’s health if it’s not too late. 

So, let us see why yellowing of leaves may happen in Zelkova.

1. Not Giving Balanced Nutrients And Fertilizer to the Soil

This yellowing of leaves means that the plant is lacking in iron. Iron is essential for plants to carry out chlorophyll. The leaves also seem very wilted besides turning yellow. 

Other than iron, lack of other nutrients can also cause this. There must not be an imbalance of nutrients in the soil. The prime nutrients are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. If it happens,  the plant will suffer from a deficiency. This will reflect in the discoloration of leaves. 


Now, if your plant is already in this problem, you can save it when there is still time.  Check the soil composition for nutrient deficiencies using a soil test kit. 

We’ve recommended some soil test-kits below in case you don’t have one-

You’ll definitely see a deficiency of iron as yellowing of leaves primarily occurs because of that. If you see the deficiency of any other components such as calcium, magnesium, or phosphorus, add supplements accordingly. 

 Make sure to get good ones. Here are some to help you choose from: 

We can ensure that these supplements will give you just the right results. You won’t be disappointed.

Besides that, use organic soil. These types of soils do not have any components that can cause nutrient imbalance to the plant. 

Change the soil regularly after every 4 months. Use balanced fertilizers specifically made for bonsai plants each time during soil change. You can even make fertilizers at home for your bonsai.

2. Overwatering the Plants 

We make the mistake of watering our plants regularly at a particular time of the day. That makes us think that we are taking proper care of our Zelkova. But we’re not. We should only water the plants when they need it.

Otherwise, the soil gets clogged with water due to overwatering. The roots cannot take up the necessary nutrients from the soil. 


We should check with a chopstick every morning if the soil is highly moisturized or not. If the soil seems too sticky, we should not water it at that time. Instead, we should check the soil again in the evening. At that time, if we see that the soil is not as wet, we can water it then. 

Pro tip: If the soil is too clogged, don’t think of changing pots. Poke holes into the soil regularly with the help of a chopstick. 

3. Stressing Your Zelkova by Irregular Pruning Or Wiring

Yes, plants also suffer from stress. When they do, it reciprocates in the yellowing of zelkova leaves. 

This happens when you pick, prune, wire, or re-pot it without following a routine. If yellowing occurs we need to check whether we are pruning and wiring properly. If not, then this is the reason for the yellowing of leaves.


Maintain a certain schedule for doing these activities. These should be done only when the plants are in good health and aren’t suffering from any sort of nutrient imbalances. 

Wire only young branches of the plant. Any injury to plants can be prevented if you wire it at an early stage. The growing phase is the best time for this. Remove the wiring in the same season in which it was done.

For pruning, only do it at the dormant phase of the plant. This means at the phase when their growth stops. Prune using sterile equipment to prevent the spreading of diseases. Pruning should only be done when the plant is well-settled in the pot. 

You can find top niche pruning shears from our suggestions below-

After pruning or wiring, monitor the plant thoroughly. They should be allowed to rest in the shaded part of the garden for 2-3 days. 

Also, give a fairly steady temperature of 20-30 degrees Celcius to grow in. That can be done by not moving it around too much around the house. 

Once you’ve gone through all these steps, you’ll finally find your lush green Zelkova thriving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Do Zelkova Bonsai lose their leaves?

Answer: If the plant is kept indoors, its leaves will remain green year-round. It will only lose its leaves during winter if you keep it outdoors. 

Question: Is Zelkova Bonsai indoor or outdoor? 

Answer: The plant is very adaptive. So, it can be kept both outdoor and indoor. But don’t keep it outdoors if the temperature is too cold. Don’t move it outdoors and indoors too often. 

Question: Is Zelkova deciduous?

Answer: Yes, it is a small deciduous tree. Its average mature height is 30m. 

Wrapping Up

When the Zelkova starts getting yellow leaves, you can also revive their health with proper timely care. 

You now know how to save zelkova schneideriana bonsai yellowing leaves.

Do let us know about your experience. Good luck!

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